Cart Path Paving & Relocation - 16 and 18 Hawk
One of the projects that the Turf Care Department will be working on this spring is the relocation and paving of the cart paths on number 16 and 18 Hawk. The cart paths will be moved approximately 10 - 15 meters to the right of the paths current location as the paths get closer to the green. The purpose for relocating the paths is to widen the playing corridor by moving the paths further away from the fairway and green. There will be fewer golf balls ricochet off the path and the path will be less visible from the fairway. The project will be started after the golf course has opened and will be asphalted once the asphalt plants are up and running in mid May. Once this project is completed all cart paths on the golf course will have been asphalted.
Photo Shop image of number 18 Hawk following cart path relocation. (Work to be performed in spring).
Above is a picture of 18 Hawk cart path in the current location, very close to the fairway and green.
Overview of 18 Hawk - Cart path relocated to the right and the landing area expanded to the right.
Above is a picture of 16 Hawk with cart path in current location, close to fairway and green. Below is a picture of number 16 Hawk with the cart path removed with photo shop.

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