Golf Course Update May 5th 2011
Driving Range and Chipping Green are now open.
Please try to avoid concentrating all your chipping from the same location around the chipping green. The turf has not started to actively grow yet and if we get a lot of divots in one area, the chipping green area will get beat up before the season even starts.
Practice Putting Green to Open Friday May 6th
The putting green will be opened Friday May 6th. We ask that members use flat souled shoes (no spikes, maybe sneakers or spikeless golf shoes) so the spikes don't tear the turf, again because the turf hasn't started growing yet and it has very little ability to recover from foot traffic. We are certain that with the golf course not open the practice green will see a lot of action this weekend.

Short game practice area - May 5th 2011
Short Game Practice Area
The short game practice area is still covered with quite a bit of snow. Staff will continue to spread snow around and work toward getting this area open as soon as possible. Maybe by the end of the weekend or early next week.
Golf Course Opening Schedule
We will have Turf Care staff in all weekend preparing the golf course (shoveling snow) to get open next week. We plan on opening the back nine Raven Monday morning May 9th at 8:00am on a walk on basis only. Once staff have completed preparing the back nine Raven we will continue working on the old Hawk Holes in preparation for a Wednesday opening. The front nine Raven and new Hawk holes remain covered in snow and have a lot of melting to do before we can predict an opening date.

9 Raven fairway Thursday May 5th 2011

4 Raven Fairway Thursday May 5th 2011
Fire Wood
We are desperately trying to get rid of a large pile of fire wood that is being stored at the compound near # 2 Hawk and beside Priddis Greens Dr. Please take as much fire wood as you would like and encourage your friends and neighbors as well. If we can't get rid of this fire wood by the end of the weekend we will have to pay to have it hauled away. The wood is cut into fire place/pit length and is primarily Poplar with a small amount of Spruce mixed in.
Please try to avoid concentrating all your chipping from the same location around the chipping green. The turf has not started to actively grow yet and if we get a lot of divots in one area, the chipping green area will get beat up before the season even starts.
Practice Putting Green to Open Friday May 6th
The putting green will be opened Friday May 6th. We ask that members use flat souled shoes (no spikes, maybe sneakers or spikeless golf shoes) so the spikes don't tear the turf, again because the turf hasn't started growing yet and it has very little ability to recover from foot traffic. We are certain that with the golf course not open the practice green will see a lot of action this weekend.
Short game practice area - May 5th 2011
Short Game Practice Area
The short game practice area is still covered with quite a bit of snow. Staff will continue to spread snow around and work toward getting this area open as soon as possible. Maybe by the end of the weekend or early next week.
Golf Course Opening Schedule
We will have Turf Care staff in all weekend preparing the golf course (shoveling snow) to get open next week. We plan on opening the back nine Raven Monday morning May 9th at 8:00am on a walk on basis only. Once staff have completed preparing the back nine Raven we will continue working on the old Hawk Holes in preparation for a Wednesday opening. The front nine Raven and new Hawk holes remain covered in snow and have a lot of melting to do before we can predict an opening date.
9 Raven fairway Thursday May 5th 2011
4 Raven Fairway Thursday May 5th 2011
Fire Wood
We are desperately trying to get rid of a large pile of fire wood that is being stored at the compound near # 2 Hawk and beside Priddis Greens Dr. Please take as much fire wood as you would like and encourage your friends and neighbors as well. If we can't get rid of this fire wood by the end of the weekend we will have to pay to have it hauled away. The wood is cut into fire place/pit length and is primarily Poplar with a small amount of Spruce mixed in.
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