10 Raven Green Settling / Slumping

10 Raven green - 1,010sq' or 16.6 % of green affected by soil slumping
Turf Care staff have been monitoring the changes in slumping at 10 Raven green on a daily basis. There have been changes on a daily basis, however, those changes have been minimal over the past few days.
As soon as the slumping stabilizes, and the engineering AMEC gets back to us with a report on the situation, Turf Care staff will begin repairs. If the slumping does not worsen substantially, the repair work will be performed in house with Priddis Greens staff and it should only take a few days. During the repair process, staff will likely be able to utilize almost all of the existing turf on the green, repair broken drainage and irrigation, add a sand base of approximately 10" over the affected area and replace the sod.
The cost too repair the green and areas surrounding the green will be absorbed in the Turf Care 2011 operating budget.
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