15 Hawk Update

15 Hawk Reconstruction Update

Reconstruction of the 15 Hawk green complex began in the fall of last year. The changes made will offer a more playable golf hole with many more pin locations available on the green. Before winter snow cover, the shaping and sodding of the green complex was completed. While this may seem like the bulk of the project, the spring grow-in process is equally important.
15 Hawk being mowed at 0.180''
The most important aspect of the grow-in of the green is rooting. As soil temperatures begin to increase, the rate of root growth will also increase. Currently, roots are beginning to grow into the rootzone from the sod, however the sod is still easily lifted. In order to increase soil temperatures and thus root growth, a tarp is being used each night to cover the green. This will keep soil temperatures warmer despite low night-time temperatures at this time of year. In addition to tarping, 2 applications of root growth promoting fertilizers have been made. Fertilizing combined with a light and frequent watering schedule will further encourage strong root growth. At first glance, the green may look ready for play, however under closer inspection, root growth shows the green still needs time to mature. Right now, the green is being spoonfed nutrients and water because the roots are too shallow to uptake larger amounts. This requires frequent monitoring and watering which will not be possible after opening. A rooting depth of approximately 3" will be required prior to opening the new green.

Root profile of New Putting Green (8")
Root profile of 15 Hawk (1/2")

New roots starting in sod seems (15 Hawk)

Smoothness is one of the most important factors in the playability of the green for the golfer. The green is already much smoother than it was when the snow first melted. This increase in smoothness has been achieved by consistent mowing and rolling. These practices will continue to be implemented and a topdressing schedule will also be introduced in the near future. Topdressing will aid in smoothing the putting surface as well as provide a firmer green. 
The green was mowed for the first time early this spring at a height of 0.180''. Now, the height has been lowered to 0.173''. In comparison, greens on the back 9 Raven and the Old Hawk are being mowed at a height of 0.135'' to start the season. The height of cut will gradually be reduced on 15 Hawk until it is being cut at the same height as the rest of the greens on the golf course. 
The opening date for 15 Hawk is very much weather dependent. In order to protect the investment already made in the improvement of the hole, it is important that it is only opened for play once ready. Based on the progress seen so far this spring, we are targeting the week  of May 20th 2014 for potential opening. Until this time, a variety of practices, including mowing, rolling, fertilizing and topdressing will continue to be implemented to open the hole as soon as possible.
