10 Raven Green & Path Repair
Turf Care staff began the repair work to 10 Raven green, the green surround and the cart path adjacent to the green on Monday evening August 1st following the final tee time. The entire project should be completed by the end of day Thursday August 4th, with the 10th green re opening on Friday August 5th.
The repair work was required when the green, cart path and green surround slumped or settled due to hillside instability caused by excessive moisture.
The scope of work included:
1) Strip the sod off 10 Raven green
2) Lay the sod that was salvageable off to the side of the green to be saved for re installation in a few days.
3) Install new drainage in the green to replace damaged drain lines
4) Add 30 Cubic yards of new rootzone mix (sand base)
5) Regrade and prepare for sod installation
6) Re-install sod that was saved from the green
7) Install 600sq' of new sod to replace turf that was damaged during the settling of the green
8) Strip Bluegrass sod around the green and affected area
9) regrade the surrounds for improved drainage
10) Repair damaged drainage and irrigatiuon lines
11) Add topsoil and finish grade the entire 10,000square feet of green surround area
12) Install 10,000square feet of Bluegrass sod
13) Excavate damaged cart path
14) Install new asphalt over old cart path base
15) Concrete curb installation to be completed Friday
15) Aerate rough around green to relieve compaction from tractor trailor traffic
Turf Care staff will be micro managing the new sod until it is ready to play on in approximatley 1-2 weeks.
The entire project was estimated to cost in the range of $25,000
Staff Stripping sod off the green Monday night.
Staff Loading each peice of sod on idividual sheets of plywood to keep sod together so it fits back onto green perfect.
Excavating damaged cart path

Drainage installation in 10 raven green
Adding 30 Cubic yards of rootzone mix to 10 Raven green
Scope of work area on and around 10 Raven green
Completed cart path repair and asphalting

< Green repair and sod completed late day Wednesday August 3rd.
< Green repair and sod completed late day Wednesday August 3rd.
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